What’s HALIG Ranch?

Today, a dream. But God…

I don’t know exactly when I became aware of the dire situation wild mustangs face. In case you are unaware, the Bureau of Land Management brutally rounds up [using helicopters to scare herds into pens] approximately 20,000 horses every year, and those who aren’t shipped to Canada or Mexico for slaughter end up in crowded pens.  So many of our national treasure are incarcerated. 

I am blessed to own 15 very hilly/rocky acres in Prescott, AZ. Though it’s “cowboy country,” the time/energy/investment it would take to make my property horse friendly would be great. Fences. Structures. Then after the marvelous creatures arrive, there’s feed, farrier, and vet bills. Too much for little Judi.

Then in the spring of 2024, out of nowhere, [actually, God brought skunks, but that’s another story…] my neighbor across the street offered to sell me his 9 acres, which included a 2400 metal building with a one-bedroom apartment. Housing for a ranch hand?

If you’ve followed me awhile, you know my new mantra is BelieveBIG! That’s my intention for my “third 1/3.” When I’m on my deathbed, I want to know there will forever be a wild mustang rescue in Prescott, AZ where troubled kids get equine hugs. I know. I can only make a tiny dent in the BLM-instigated horrors, but for the 30-40 horses I can save, not to mention the young lives they’ll touch, it’s a vision worth fighting for.

Why am I telling you this? Because 100% of Holy Health Club and Sprinkled Clean profits are donated to HALIG Ministries, the non-profit supporting HALIG Ranch. But, we’re not yet an official nonprofit. Paperwork to open a 501(c)3 has been submitted, but we’re not yet taking donations. If you’d like to support our mission, please come back around Halloween, or send us an email at info@HolyHealthClub.com and we’ll keep you posted on our progress. THANK YOU!