Women, Fitness, Encouragement, Christian Kim & Judi Women, Fitness, Encouragement, Christian Kim & Judi

Put On People

When it comes to your health goals, do you have a "go it alone" attitude? If so, you are missing out on one of the most powerful sources of strength - support from your family in Christ! The enemy loves that "go it alone" attitude because it aligns with his "divide and conquer" strategy. But Jesus calls us to community so that we all will finish well.
Focus Scriptures: Acts 2:42, 46-47; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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Christian, Encouragement, Fitness, Women Kim & Judi Christian, Encouragement, Fitness, Women Kim & Judi

Put On Prayer

Intellectually most Christians would give an acknowledging nod to prayer, but do you do it? Do you regularly sit and intentionally listen for His still small voice, or are you more prone to "arrow prayers", a handful of sentences rocketed upward in moments of crisis? Listen in as discuss strategies for consistent prayer and how that will impact your food and fitness choices.
Focus Scriptures: 1 Peter 5:5-7, Isaiah 9:

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